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Kowitz families

Currently the meaning / source of the Name "Kowitz" is unknown. There are many variations of the name (Kowitz, Kovitz, Cowitz, Covitz, Covetts, Koritz, Koewitz, Kowicz, ...) and many names ending with "kowitz" (e.g. "Herschkowitz").

First appearences of Kowitz people:

Currently beside many unconnected data I know about eight bigger Kowitz clans. How these clans are connected to each other still has to be researched.
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Clan 1:
Christian Kowitz (born about 1740) married Euphrosina Schaldach and lived in West Prussia. His grandson, Georg Kowitz, immigrated in 1859 to the USA together with his wife Christine Max and his family. Several other grandchildren or grandgrandchildren of Christian also immigrated to USA, so many american Kowitz should have Christian and Euphrosina as ancestors (but also have a look at Clan 6...). Locations in the USA were/are e.g. Stearns Co./Morrison Co./Benton Co. in Minnesota and Linn Co. in Oregon. > Details...

Clan 2:
C. Kowitz, born 1755 in Nieder Klanau, West Prussia, married Christina Kapahnke. The families stayed in West Prussia. > Details...

Clan 3:
Daniel Kowitz, born about 1795, married Christina Zels from Pomlau, West Prussia in 1824. Their son Christian Kowitz married Anna Maria Wolf in 1853 and immigrated together with her and the children to Australia in 1875. Christian is the ancestor of all australian Kowitz. > Details...

Clan 4:
Erdman Kowitz was born in 1798 in Pomlau, West Prussia and married Constantia Ahrend, also from Pomlau, West Prussia, in 1820. Descendents, from what I know, stayed in West Prussia for a long time, mostly in Pomlau, but also e.g. in Danzig. During WWII most of them moved to the west. > Details...

Clan 5:
Gottlieb Kowitz was born in 1815 in Strauchhütte, West Prussia. Er married Christina Kresin in 1840. Descendents stayed in West Prussia (e.g. in Klobschin, Pollenschin, Strauchhütte). > Details...

Clan 6:
Erdmann Kowitz, son of Johann Kowitz, was born in 1816 in Pomlau, West Prussia. In 1841 he married Christina Arendt form Glasberg, West Prussia, and immigrated between 1858 and 1864 to the USA together with her and their nine children. In USA they settled down in Wisconsin and Minnesota. > Details...

Clan 7:
Carl August Kowitz, born in 1840 in Nieder Klanau, West Prussia, married Wilhelmina Henriette Heike (Heeke / Heyke). He together with his family immigrated to the USA in 1889, the descendents lived in Buffalo Co., Wisconsin. > Details...

Clan 8:
Joseph Kowitz was born in 1850 in Russia, he married Yetta Goldstein from Lithuania, Russia and immigrated together with her to the USA during the late 1800's. Maybe one of the ancestors renamed himself from Isakovich/Isaakowitz to Kowitz. > Details...

How do Kowitz look like? Click here to see photos!

What Kowitz people are currently known? Click here to get the complete list of all known (and deceased) Kowitz individuals.

Many people helped collecting the data. A big "thank you" to Rosemary Kowitz Buchanan, Cora Evans, Brad Carlson, Graham Janke, Ken Dibble, Autumn Kowitz, Cynthia Vold Forde, Dan Craycraft, Dave McHenry, Klaus Läger, Leon Hale, Margaret Hamilton, Monika Ernst, Robert D. McKelvey Jr., Susan McMahan und Rick Tallman and to all other data providers...

If you are interested in or have further information on Kowitz please get in contact with me, see "Impressum".

For your information:

The pages with detailed people information are generated automatically and are sometimes a bit strange concering phrases and navigation. The software was build by the "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". Beside the usage of the software there is no other relation between us and this religious community.


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